The following Health and Fitness Appraisal (HFA) can be used to provide a holistic assessment of your health and fitness status and indirectly, can be used to determine your future risk of developing long-term medical conditions and diseases (e.g. obesity, diabetes, some cancers).
This HFE tool uses a wide-range of objective and non-invasive health and fitness assessments to determine the status of you your metabolic and cardiovascular health. It will also assess key components of fitness, like your aerobic capacity, muscular strength and endurance, flexibility and your physical activity profile, so that you know where you need to work on. You may also want to share this information with an exercise professional (e.g. personal trainer) if you plan to use one. All of these tests can be completed at home each test has links to more detailed instructions. Complete each test individually and record your results before submitting them for analysis.
When you submit your results, you’ll be given an overarching health and fitness score based on your relative performance in each area. Red, amber and green indicators will tell you where you need to work on in order to improve your overall health and fitness status.